Horizon: Future Prediction Reading
Horizon: Future Prediction Reading
If you're wondering about a certain event, time period and or an indication of a beginning or ending this psychic reading will provide insight. Having trouble when seeing eye to eye in your current career or relationships? This is the reading for you, dear one.
This reading will include a tarot and oracle spread that will be tailored to your question. I use psychic mediumship in all of my work and that may include channeled messages from source or the divine.
The duration of the reading will vary upon the reading's severity, and expect the shorter questions to be timed short in terms of duration. To make the best of your investment ask detailed questions rather than short elementary ones like, "When will I get a cat?".
This is a digital service. Nothing will be provided or sent to you physically. You will receive your reading through email. Within the email you be provided with a link to your privatized video which will be located on YouTube.